[Overview] Customer Support – Guardian Customer Setup and Configuration Documents

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To set up your account for the first time your Account Manager will walk you through the Guardian Customer Set-up and Configuration Documents.  These documents help Seeing Machines set up your Account and Fleets to suit your needs.  There is one set of documents per Account.  The documents contain the following:

Customer Set-Up Document

This document is only required to be completed prior to the customer onboarding.  After this time, the Customer can nominate Administrators in Guardian Live who can manage Fleets, Contacts and FIP’s for their Accounts.

  1. Authorized Site Contact.  This is the person who the customer authorizes to request changes to the Account and Fleet set-up.  This is the person who may task Seeing Machines Support to make changes (including changing configuration settings, adding/deleting FIP contacts, adding/deleting Report contacts, and adding/deleting Event Notification emails).
  2. Fleets.  The names of the Fleets within the Account.
  3. Guardian Live Contacts.  This lists all the customer contacts who need to be a ‘User’ in Guardian Live.  This includes users who don’t need to log into Guardian Live but whose details are used by Guardian Live (i.e., FIP contact or Report recipient).
  4. Fatigue Intervention Plans (FIP).  These are the plans that Seeing Machines will use to contact customer representatives when a Fatigue event is detected (FIP).

Customer Configuration Document

This document is a dynamic document and must be a ‘shared’ document using SharePoint.  Your Account Manager will set this up for you.  When changes are required to be made to any of the below, the customer will be required to raise a ticket with support@seeingmachines.com and will need to include a live link to the document.

  1. System Configuration Settings. These are the settings for which events will be detected (i.e., Fatigue events will be detected when the vehicle is traveling at 10km or higher).
  2. Reporting.  Which Guardian Live contacts will receive reports (daily and weekly reports)
  3. Event Notification Emails.  Which Guardian Live users will receive email notifications for specific events.
  4. Integration.  Allows the customer to advise if a Message Queue or API is needed.

Seeing Machines will provide a ‘Sharepoint’ link to the GMD to allow it to be a dynamic document.  This document does not need to be downloaded.  All changes need to be made ‘online’ so that our Support Agents can access the correct copy.

Making Changes

Our Guardian Live web app allows authorized Account or Fleet contacts (known as Administrators) to make changes to the Account or Fleet.  Administrators are able to:

  1. Create and edit Guardian Live contacts.
  2. Create and edit FIP’s.
  3. Create and edit Weekly Reports.

We strongly encourage our customers to consider having at least one Administrative user for their Account or Fleets.

If there is no Administrator, requests can be made to Seeing Machines.  The request must be submitted to support@seeingmachines.com by the Authorized Site Contact and the GMD must be updated with the changes required.

When updating the GMD we request:

  1. Additions or changes are highlighted in YELLOW
  2. Deletions are highlighted in RED.

When requesting the changes, we recommended that you provide as much information about the changes as possible and state the following:

Hello Seeing Machines Support, please find below the link to the updated Guardian Management Document (GMD) for [Account Name] – insert link

[Please detail the changes required – e.g., Update Vehicle ID to SW version XX, Please add user@email to FIP for [Fleet] etc].

The Support Agent will respond to your request by applying the agreed Service Standards.  You can follow up the status of your request in Zendesk.

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