7. Guardian Unit View

Estimated reading time: 5 min


The Guardian Units View provides a list of all the Guardian devices installed within the user’s Scope.  It is similar to the Vehicle view but presents information in relation to the Guardian Serial Number (SN).


The Guardian Unit view shows:

  • the SN.  Clicking on the SN will take the user to the System Properties.
  • Vehicle Name.  Clicking on the vehicle name will take the user to Vehicle view.
  • Fleet Name.  Clicking on the Fleet Name will take the user to Dashboard view for that Fleet.
  • Vehicle last contact information, Operational State, and tracking.
  • Tracking.  Is the average performance of the Guardian Driver Monitoring Engine during the reporting period for that vehicle.

At the bottom of the tile, users can see the Software version that the system is running, the ‘platform’ (Fleet = Gen 1, Gen2 etc), the Device Allocation state, last known location (clicking on this will take the user to Google Maps), and the bearing that the vehicle was traveling at the time.

Guardian Units Filtering

To navigate to this feature, the user should click on the Guardian Units tab from the left panel. This opens the Guardian units list page for the applied tenancy if any.

Users can search Vehicle ID, Guardian Serial Number on the search bar, see vehicles that have been ‘Disabled’ sort (newest to oldest and vice versa), and filter.

When a vehicle has been marked as ‘Disabled’ it will be excluded from charts and panels on the dashboard and from standard reports.

  1. Click on “View Summary” to expand the Guardian Units mini dashboard.

  2. The “X” icon clears all applied filters within all tabs of the GU mini dashboard and displays all the guardian units.

  3. The filter icon opens the advanced filtering options.

  4. Search Bar: Users can search Vehicle ID, Guardian Serial Number on the search bar.

  5. Sort By: Users can sort the Guardian Units by serial numbers alphabetically, time of contact, and date registered.

Guardian Unit Summary Filters

The View Summary button located in the top right corner above the auto-refresh toggle opens up the dashboard to view the classifications.

A user may also clear these expanded filters, by pressing the X button beside the Hide Summary button.

If a classification is selected, it will be underlined, and the sub-classifications will show in a container below this bar.

The X button clears all filters. The Hide Summary button will close the mini-dashboard.

Within the container, the sub-classifications will be displayed as tiles. Each tile has a label and the number of units. When a user clicks on a tile, it becomes highlighted, this means the Guardian units are filtered now by that sub-classification. The label of the classification will have a red notification above it to notify the user that there is filtering within its sub-classification. Users may press the Clear All button within the container to clear the filters within that sub-classification.


Users with a host scope can view all of the classifications listed below.

  1. Platform

  2. Assignment

  3. Certificate status

  4. Operational status

  5. Configuration

Users with a service provider/account/fleet scope can only view the platform, assignment, and operational status.

From here, each type mentioned above has a sub-classification. Users with a host scope can view all of the sub-classifications listed below.

(1) Platform classification and sub-classifications

This will display the hardware including Generation 2, Fleet, Rugged, Mining, Legacy, or Unknown.

1. “X” Clears all changes applied.
2. “Clear all ” link Clears selection within the sub-classification.

(2) Assignment classification and sub-classifications

This will display the provisional assignment/installation and if units are installed/not installed.
Sub-classifications with drop-down options have sub-filters within as displayed below with Provisional assignment. The units not installed can be expanded to show the host and tenant filtering. A user may also clear this expanded sub-section. At the Fleet level, the user can filter the provisional assignment by Service Provider, Account, or Fleet. A user may also clear this expanded filter.

1. Red dot identifies the filter being used.
2. Drop down expands to show Provisional assignment for Host and Tenants, ability to Clear filters within this sub-section.

(3) Certificate status classification and sub-classifications

This will display all of the certificate statuses including the type of unit that it impacts.

  • The number in red and bracket is to indicate the number of Guardian units with certificates flagged.
  • Filter by deactivation by Service Provider, Account, or Fleet. Users may also clear this expanded filter.
    The certificate status tab is visible only for host scope users.

(4) Operational status classification and sub-classifications

This will display the states of the hardware from normal and normal (with warnings*), impaired, inoperative or unknown.

  1. A user with an advanced diagnostic special grant will see the Normal (with warnings) sub-classification.

Guardian Units Advanced Filtering

There is a Filter icon beneath the mini dashboard and adjacent to the Search field. By clicking on this icon, it opens up the Advanced Filters modal.

  1. Filters Applied: This section of the advanced filtering reflects the filters that were applied in the Guardian Unit mini dashboard. This can be expanded or collapsed from the dropdown. The filters can also be modified here which will reflect in the mini dashboard once applied.

  2. Find: This search bar helps find the keywords or portion of matched keywords from the Serial Numbers, Vehicle Name, GU id, Platform, or software version. The user can check one or multiple properties they want to filter by.

  3. Time Period: Allows to filter guardian units by the last contact(default value), date registered, date installed, or date allocated within the selected date range.

  4. Clear All: This is only applicable to the filters applied dropdown. The clear all button is used to clear all filters selected, which would return all results.

  5. Reset: The reset button at the top will clear all filters applied.

  6. The cross icon allows to exit without saving any filters.

  7. In order to filter guardian units by the advanced filtering options, the user needs to click on the “Apply” button at the end of this module.

Device Allocation

The Device Allocation refers to the installation status of the Guardian unit.

State Description
All Users can select all states below.
Not allocated The Guardian Unit has reported to Guardian Live but is currently not allocated to a Fleet.
Allocated, not installed The Guardian Unit has been allocated to a Fleet but has not been installed yet.  A heartbeat has not been received by Guardian Live.
Installed The Guardian Unit has been installed and is allocated to a Fleet.
Decommissioned The Guardian Unit has been removed from operation and is no longer reporting to Guardian Live.

System Properties

Clicking on the Guardian Unit Serial Number will display additional details about the vehicle.  A unique identifier is also available to copy, which can be useful when contacting Seeing Machines 24/7 Support.

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