Elevated Users – Reports

Estimated reading time: 2 min


 Guardian Live produces reports that can be configured to run daily, weekly, or monthly.  The reports can be delivered as a hyperlink or as a PDF to subscribers.  The hyperlink provides additional interaction with the data.

The report provides details (for the selected period) on Fatigue, Distraction, Notifiable Distraction and Cell Phone events.  As the Report contains a list of users ‘Subscribed’ to receive the report, only users with ‘Elevated’ or ‘Administrator’ Grant are able to view reports.

Search and Filter

Users can search using a Report Name, see reports that have been ‘Disabled’ plans, and sort (A – Z, next run time or date registered) their view.

When a report has been marked as ‘Disabled’ it will not be sent to any subscribers.

Report Definition

Clicking on the report name, or the ellipses will open the details of the report.


Users can view the report settings (configuration), the contacts who will receive the report, and additional details about when the report was first created and last modified.


Users can preview the report either by selecting from the Report Definition page or from the ellipses on the report tile.

The preview will display the last report generated.  The details provided in the ‘report configuration’ (as identified in the Report Definition) are displayed as the ‘Summary’.

The report provides a summary of:

  1. The number of events by day (for the period selected).
  2. The event performance per vehicle.
  3. The number of notifiable events – these are events where a Guardian Centre Analyst believes that a manager should view as the behaviour is of particular concern or presents a very high level of risk.
  4. Events by hour of the day – assists to plot trends on when events occur to help customers plan shifts.
  5. Total distance covered during Fatigue events – this demonstrates the level of risk a customer is experiencing when their driver is experiencing fatigue during the task of driving.
  6. Fatigue events are plotted by duration and speed – showing high-risk behaviour.
  7. Fatigue events by GPS location – helps to identify geographical places that may pose a higher risk (provides a map that is interactive when viewed on the hyperlink).
  8. Total distance covered during Attention Off Road (Distraction) events.
  9. Attention Off Road (Distraction) by duration and speed.
  10. Attention Off Road (Distraction) by GPS location (provides a map that is interactive when viewed on the hyperlink).
  11. Cell phone events by vehicle – helps customers to identify vehicles where cell phones have been used.

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