Elevated Users – Intervention Plans

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Intervention Plans

Intervention Plans are used by the Guardian Centre to call or email contacts who are responsible for reacting to a confirmed Fatigue event.

These plans are created to support the business needs of customers.  For example, customers can nominate different contacts on different days of the week and for different shifts.

The Intervention Plan uses a ‘Call Sheet’ to identify the order in which a Guardian Centre Analyst will contact the customer.  As the ‘Call Sheet’ contains personal information, only users with ‘Elevated’ or ‘Administrator’ Grant are permitted to view the Intervention Plan ‘Call Sheet’.

Search and Filter

Users can search using a Fleet Name, see plans that have been ‘Disabled’ plans, and sort (A – Z or date registered) their view.

When a plan is marked as ‘Disabled’ it will not be monitored by the Guardian Centre.

The details on the tile:

  • Intervention Plan name
  • Account and Fleet for which the Intervention Plan applies.
  • The event type the plan  applies for
  • The days and times that the plan is active
  • At the bottom of the tile, users can see the date the plan was registered, and when it was last updated.

At the bottom of the page, users can choose to show how many plans to display and they can navigate to the next page of plans, or back to the top.

Plan Details

Clicking on the name of the plan or the ellipses at the top-right of the tile will display the plan details.

  1. Details.  Displays additional details that were not visible on the tile.
  2. Call Sheet.  Displays the name of the contacts to be called, and the order in which they will be called.
  3. System Properties.  Provides further information about when the Plan was registered and modified.  The System ID and Internal ID can be copied and provided to Support if needed.


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