11. Event Sensitivity – Reported or Restricted

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Where an event has been reported as containing sensitive content, only users with the Event Sensitivity of ‘Restricted’ can view these events

When a user’s profile is created, actions with regard to Guardian Events must be applied.  Users can be granted the ability to view ‘Restricted’ events.  This can be given to any user with any Scope and Grant.

This article discusses the additional functions available to users given the ability to view ‘Restricted’ events.

Filter for Reported or Restricted Media

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Users with the ability to view events marked as restricted can filter their event view to find restricted media.

All events that have been ‘Reported’ or confirmed as ‘Restricted’ (if selected) will be presented to the user.

View, Confirm, or Remove Reported/Restricted Media

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When an event has been marked as Restricted it will not be visible in the Event preview.  To view the media, users can click on the ellipses at the top right of the media.  This will show the media content.


Vehicle Timeline Record

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A record of the restriction confirmation and removal will be recorded in the Vehicle Timeline

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