Geotab User Manual- Admin Users

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Geotab- add-in Implementation Guide

As a listed marketplace partner in the Geotab Marketplace, Seeing Machines are developing solutions to further integrate Guardian Live with the Geotab platform. The Geotab add-in, integrated with Guardian, offers a single-view dashboard for streamlined access to information on fatigue and distraction events. Users can easily navigate directly to Guardian Live dashboards, for further details.
The Geotab add-in is only available to existing Guardian Live and Geotab customers. Please direct all enquiries to Seeing Machines. There is a Seeing Machines set-up and recurring fee associated with the add-in.


This Implementation Guide contains the information to deploy, access, and use the Guardian- Geotab Add-in.

Solution Overview

Integrating with Geotab enables Guardian to contribute to end-to-end fleet management in a single view.

The Geotab x Guardian Live (GL) integration provides a dashboard of data and insights on fatigue and distraction events.

Direct navigation to the Guardian Live dashboard or other GL sites is also supported if customers want to obtain additional details or take further action.

Planning and Preparation

Assumptions and Constraints

Assumption: this add-in is for customers who have verified user accounts in both Geotab and the Guardian Live web application.

Constraint: the user will only be able to view the Guardian live dashboard for only one account at a time or one fleet at a time. In addition, the user must already have an user account in Guardian Live which includes permissions to view events.

Requirements and Prerequisites

The customer will need to be provided with four details in order for them to successfully set up Geotab add-in with Guardian Live.

    1. Code Snippet for Configuration(example):
      “name”: “Guardian Live dashboard”,
      “supportEmail”: “”,
      “items”: [
      “url”: “”,
      “path”: “ActivityLink”,
      “menuName”: {
      “en”: “Guardian Live dashboard”
      “svgIcon”: “”
      “isSigned”: false
    2. Account or Fleet ID for which they want to set up their add-in.
    3. API Key ID for their user account (generates as Client ID).
    4. API Secret key for their user account.

Note: that it is important for the API keys to be generated for the specific user account that the client is trying to access the add-in from in order to reflect the user access models on the Geotab dashboard.

How to get this?

Please contact support team at Seeing Machines via servicely to get the Configuration Code, Fleet/ Account ID, Client ID, and Secret Key. Your servicely ticket must include these details for a smooth process:

  1. Account or Fleet name or details that you want to set up the geotab dashboard for.
  2. User account with appropriate event access for the add-in integration.

After getting these details you should be able to set up the Geotab add-in from your Geotab account. The details of Geo tab set up are as follows:

Helpful Documentation

Refer to these documents for helpful user information and points of contact:

  1. Geotab Product Guide
  2. How to Install an Add-In
  3. Geotab Drive App Manual

Setup and Deployment

These are the workflows required to implement the solution.

  1. Setup the Service Account
  2. Install the Add-In
  3. Set up your dashboard

Setting up Geotab add-in:

Setup the Service Account

Follow the steps below to set up the new service account.

  1. Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration > (2) Users, and click the (3) Add button.
  2. On the New User page, complete the following:
    1. User (Email) — use the following convention to enter the new user email: <Enter your service account naming convention here. For example: service-<YourCompanyName>@<Partner>.com>
    2. Password — create a strong password and share it with <Partner’s> by calling: <Enter a contact number or replace this step with your preferred password communication method>.
    3. Force password change on next login —  toggle to No.
    4. Security clearance — <Enter your desired security clearance, based on the Service Account guidelines. The most common is View Only>
    5. Data access — select Everything.
    6. Click Save.

Install the Guardian Add-In

Follow the steps below to install the Add-In. This workflow requires a .json file to structure the data and complete the installation. Follow the steps below to install the Add-In.

  1. Log in to MyGeotab and navigate to (1) Administration > (2) System > (3) System Settings, and select the (4) Add-Ins tab. Click the (5) New Add-In button.
  2. Paste the .json code below into the Add-In Configuration window, replacing the sample code that is already there. Click OK.
  3. In the System Settings page, toggle Allow unsigned Add-Ins to On and click Save at the top of the page. The Add-In is now installed!


.Json File for New Service Account

Paste the .json file below to structure your service account data in step 2 of Install the Solution Add-in.

“name”: “Guardian Live dashboard”,
“supportEmail”: “”,
“items”: [
“url”: “”,
“path”: “ActivityLink”,
“menuName”: {
“en”: “Guardian Live dashboard”
“svgIcon”: “”
“isSigned”: false

Open the Add-In

After successfully installing the add-in, the user will be able to navigate to the add-in in the left-hand side panel. Multiple add ins can be added for several fleets or accounts according to user’s preference.

Setting up Fleet/Account Dashboard

The user can set up their Geotab dashboard for their preferred account or fleet. It is important to note that you can only set this up for a fleet or an account. The dashboard once it is set up refreshes every minute automatically to display the most recent data. The events in the dashboard are linked to GL events so on clicking any event ID the event will be opened on the event list page in Guardian Live.

  1. Once you have the account / fleet ID, client ID (Key ID), and secret key from the support, you are ready to set up the account/fleet dashboard.

  2. Click on the dashboard you created from the left-hand panel.

  3. Go to Settings on the top right corner of the dashboard.

  4. A model pops up asking for API key ID, API key secret, and Fleet/Account ID.

  5. Fill in the fields with the information the support provided and click on “Save”.

  6. This will populate the dashboard with the account/fleet data that you have selected which refreshes automatically every minute. The event IDs on the dashboard are clickable which you can open in the Guardian Live web application.

  7. The dashboard once it is set up refreshes every minute automatically to display the most recent data. The events in the dashboard are linked to GL events so on clicking any event ID the event will be opened on the event list page in Guardian Live, if you have the correct user access permissions.

Geotab Add- in Tutorial Video

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