Customer Information – Message Queue or API

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Seeing Machines offers our customers the ability to integrate Guardian with other systems.  This is known as Message Queue or API integration.

This document will cover the differences between Message Queue and API, as well as provide further details on how to request this set up.

When would you need Message Queue Integration?

A Message Queue Integration is appropriate for customers who would like to collect data from Guardian Live and store it in their own system or a third parties.  This may be expressed as a need to:

  1. Better ‘integrate’ with their other systems and data.
  2. Generate combined reports with data from other systems.
  3. Request a Message Queue to collect Event data into their own system.
  4. Request an API to collect asset and performance data into their own system.

The below describes the difference between how we can share data with other systems.

The Message Queue integration can be further explained in the below diagram.

What is a Message Queue?

We use AWS SQS to manage our Message Queue Service. We post the event notification to the queue as soon as the Guardian Center analysts confirm and classify the event; this is typically within 120 seconds of the event registering in our database.  This means you can pull events from the queue as often as needed to see new events in your system.

If you are interested in setting up our message queue to go to your telematics provider we can help with that too. We just need to know who your telematics provider is, and if it is a new provider we will ask you to set up an introduction meeting.

Usually, it is best to have a Technical person speak with Seeing Machines to process your request and deliver the Message Queue.

Programmers Guide and Set-up Information

It takes approx. two days effort to set up to pull notifications and return to the database, plus additional time (which varies) to display in user interfaces, or add to reports.

There is a cost to set up a Message Queue.  The fee covers the engineering cost to set up and maintain this queue as an additional service.  Please ask for a quote when you request the service to be set-up.

Setting up the Queue

We must have customer authority for their data to be sent to a 3rd party.  The Customer Data Authorization Form / Distributor Data Authorization Form Distributor obtains this permission.  You will need to advise the intended party who is to receive the data (3rd party or internal). The intended party will receive the keys and passwords to access the data.

  1. Seeing Machines will set up one Guardian Event Notification message queue for all fleets within your account. You will need to confirm that you want event notifications for all the current fleets to pass to the queue and advise if there are any exceptions.
  2. Seeing Machines will set up your queue to post Confirmed Fatigue, Distraction, and Registered Field of View events. You will need to advise if you want event notification for other events categories (i.e., overspeed, manual recording, etc.). 

To confirm your order we will need to be uploaded into the support ticket:

  1. The completed and signed Data Authorisation Form
  2. A purchase order from you.

Once we have received those documents we can set up the Queue.

Confirm the criteria 

You will need to confirm the details with Seeing Machines to ensure that the Message Queue is set up properly.  We want to make sure that you are setting up one Queue for all fleets (we want to ensure new fleets are automatically added).  We also want to confirm you want confirmed Fatigue, Distraction, and FOV Events only (they may be able to get accelerometer and overspeed events from their telematics provider).

Access details

Our Guardian Live Engineering team will create the Message Queue and provide the access details to the intended party.

The following information will be sent via email to the technical contact only (the keys are secret and should not be shared with unauthorized parties):

SecretKey xxxx AWSSecretKey of new user
Username xxxx Name of new user
AccessKey xxxx AWSAccessKeyId of new user
QueueName xxxx
QueueURL xxxx

Please raise any queries or concerns to our Support Team at

Processing API Requests

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a program that allows two systems to communicate.  An API is appropriate for clients who would like to ‘pull’ data from the processor to their own system (note: only Asset data can be obtained via an API, Event data will require Message Queue Integration).  This may be expressed by customers as a need to:

  1. Better ‘integrate’ with their other systems and data.
  2. Generate combined reports with data from other systems.
  3. Specifically request an API to collect Asset data into their own system.

Requests for API should be initiated by raising a Zendesk ticket to

Confirm the requirement for an API

Please ensure that you need an API and not Message Queue integration.  This confirms that you wish to ‘pull’ Asset or Performance information directly from the Guardian database for use by your own systems.  If you are looking for Event data, you will need our Message Queue Integration service.

A technical contact will need access to Guardian Live.  You will need to confirm the details of the technical person and advise if they need access to Guardian Live.

Technical Documentation and set-up

  1. Technical Documentation (Note: This is only able to be viewed by users who have a Guardian Live logon.  If the Technical Person does not have a Guardian Live logon, please create one with read only access to a single fleet).
  2. The Customer Data Authorization Form / Distributor Data Authorization Form.

For most technical staff, the link is all they need to start work on their side.  Access to Guardian Live is essential in order to view this information and should have been confirmed (or set-up).


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