2. Accessing Guardian Live

Estimated reading time: 2 min


The data that is available in Guardian Live contains sensitive information and access needs to be controlled to help protect that data.

Seeing Machines uses the Guardian Management Document to provide instructions on how clients want to manage their vehicles.  Part of this document nominates the Authorized personnel who are approved to make changes to the way that Guardian is used within an organization.  This includes nominating that personnel who need to have access to Guardian Live.

This article will explain what will happen when you are given access to Guardian Live.  All users will have the same experience with their initial logon.

First Time Logging On

When an Administrator creates the User account, they will be prompted to send an “Activation Email”.

The User will receive an email notifying them that a Guardian Live account has been created.

If their Grant requires them to log on to Guardian Live (Standard, Elevated, and Admin User), they will receive a second email inviting them to set up their password (they should be encouraged to check their spam or junk mail).  The User will receive an email that directs them to set a new password within 12 hours.

Clicking on ‘Set Password’ will direct them to create a new password that must comply with the Password Rules:

  • At least 8 characters in length
  • Contains lower case letters (a-z)
  • Contains upper case letters (A-Z)
  • Numbers (i.e., 0-9)
  • Special characters (e.g. !@#$%^&*)
  • No more than 2 identical characters in a row.
  • It cannot be your Username.



Logging In

The login page is www.beta.guardianlive.io.

Users will log in using their email address and the password they created on their first login.

Users must accept the ‘Terms and Conditions of Use’ (click the link to read the Terms and Conditions).

Forgot Password

Users who have forgotten their password can reset it by clicking on ‘Forgot your password?’

An email will be sent to the email registered on the users account (they may need to check their spam/junk folder).  They must reset their password within 12 hours.

Password Expiry

Users who have had their profile ‘activated’ (i.e., email validation is provided because the user logs into Guardian Live), will be required to reset their password every three months.  When their password has expired, they will be redirected to the password screen and prompted to create a new password before signing in.

Users (both Technicians and Associates) who have not had their account activated/email address validated will not need to reset their password.

Note – The User must know their current password to create a new one.  If they do not know it, they can use ‘Forgot your password?’ to reset their password.

Note – The new password cannot be the previous password.

Blocked Account

The following will result in a User account being blocked:

  • 6 attempts to logon with the incorrect password.
  • If a user has not logged in for a period of 90 days, their account will go stale.  The user will be prompted to reset their password if this happens.
  • After 180 days the account will be blocked.  Users with the Administrator Grant can unblock a user’s account.

Also if a user has not logged in for 180 days

They will be sent an email with a link to unblock their account.


Disabled Account

Only a User with Administrator Grant can disable an account.


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