12. Trips View

Estimated reading time: 2 min


The Trips view provides a list of all trips (In Guardian a trip is the operational time from an ignition on to a ignition off signal) in the user’s Scope.  The trip view is comprised by a collapsed view which gives the users some of the trips details and the extended view that display all the trip details.

Collapsed View

  1. Trip Start represents the time that the system has recognised a power on signal from the device.
  2. Last update is the last heartbeat received from the device in that particular trip. If you see an orange icon to the left of GPS location, it means that the trip is in progress and not completed yet.
  3. Event Counts shows the number of events generated during that trip by the event type

Users can search using a Vehicle’s ID or Serial Number, or they can filter the trip using the date, as well as sort the trips by start/end time using (newest to oldest and vice versa).  At the bottom of the page, users can choose to show how many trips to display and they can navigate to the next page of trips, or back to the top.


Extended View

Clicking anywhere on the trip surface will trigger the display of the extended view which gives more details of the trip and is organised in two sections:

  • Events

  1. Events list  represents the list of the events that are shown in the map. Initially all the events are included. Clicking over any event will exclude/include that particular event to be shown in the map.
  2. Normal Driving Events controls the normal events to be shown or not in the map by checking/unchecking the box on the left of this item.
  3. Heartbeats is another controller that manages the display of the heartbeats  on the map.
  4. Expand by clicking on the arrow on the top this section will be expanded further for better visibility
  • Timeline

  1. Sort by  gives the user two options, to display the timeline entries either by the most recent(newest) or oldest
  2. Add note is a  button that if clicked prompts the user to add comments in the timeline
  3. Filters is a controller that manages what type of content should be displayed in the timeline
  4. Expand by clicking on the arrow on the top this section will be expanded further for better visibility
  5. Refresh is represented by a circled arrow on the top of the number that if clicked over will refresh and populate the timeline with the most recent entries
  6. Entries of the timeline are represented by a new raw.
  7. Pager allows users to navigate through the pages of timeline entries to go forward or backward by clicking respectively the right and left arrow


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